My Grandmother’s Dressing/Stuffing (Dairy and Gluten Free)

Serves 4

Dressing/Stuffing (Dairy and Gluten Free) Recipe


1 ½ cups of cubed Canyon Bakehouse GF Mountain White bread

1 ½ cups of homemade cubed DF/GF cornbread*

2 TBL of ghee, avocado oil or buttered flavored coconut oil

1 cup of chopped onions

1 cup of chopped celery

1 cup of chopped apples

1/2 TBL of Sage

1 TBL of Thyme

½ tsp of salt

¼ tsp of pepper

¼ cup of chicken broth

1 organic egg

½ cup of toasted pecans

½ cup of dried cranberries or fresh cranberries


  1. Toast cubed gluten free bread in the oven on a baking sheet for 5-10 mins

  2. Sauté onions, celery, and apples with ghee or oil

  3. Add in all herbs and salt and pepper, season to desired taste

  4. Mix egg and chicken broth in a bowl 

  5. Add in cubed cornbread and toasted gluten free bread 

  6. Mix in sauté, vegetables, apples, and cranberries

  7. Transfer into a baking or casserole dish

  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 mins

  9. Serve or refrigerate (reheat for 15-20 mins.)


  1. Buy organic ingredients as much as possible.

  2. Make in advance and freeze.


Bridget Kilpatrick