Staying Hydrated? Why Choose Water.

Like everything, water is personal. How much we need to drink; temperature; ice, no ice; favorite water bottle; and when you drink it. 


To start, why do we need to drink water? 

  1. Maintain Proper Body Functions-including digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature

  2. Improve Joint Performance- water cushions and lubricate joints, when cells don't have enough water and electrolytes they can suffer muscle fatigue

  3. Support your Kidneys and Detoxification- your kidneys rid your body of toxins and transport your waste products, water helps with this detoxification process

  4. Help with Weight Loss- drinking water can curb hunger, and reduce calorie intake; often we confuse hunger with dehydration, or we drink a caloric sugary drink instead of water

  5. Sustain Proper Bowel Function-adequate water intake prevents constipation and keeps things flowing; when dehydrated your body pulls from the colon

  6. Glowing skin-keeping the skin hydrated helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, dehydrated skin makes the skin look dry and wrinkled

Water is essential to our overall health, so how much do we need to drink?


A good indicator is the color of your urine. If your urine is clear or light, you are drinking enough water. Also, if you are never thirsty.

The institute of medicine (IOM) recommends a daily intake

  • For women, 9 cups. Pregnant women about 10 cups and breastfeeding women about 12 cups.

  • For men, 13 cups.

Many health experts also suggest half your body weight. If you are an athlete or exercise vigorously, you may need more. Excessive intake of water can happen, but it's rare. Trust your urine.


There are many tips for increasing water intake.

  1. Purchase a stainless steel or glass water bottle that you love

  2. Identify how many times you need to refill your water bottle daily to meet your water intake goal

  3. Carry your water bottle everywhere

  4. Drink water before every meal and before and after caffeine or alcohol since they both dehydrate you


Finally, make sure you drink filtered water! According to EWG research, "the nation’s water supply is under assault from a toxic stew of pollutants: the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, lead from old pipes, runoff from farmland that carries millions of tons of pesticides and fertilizer chemicals into rivers and streams...'' Although tap water is the cheaper option the long-term impact on our health can prove more expensive than investing in a good in-home water filter.
In summary, water intake is an easy way to improve your overall health and is essential to maintaining all body functions. 

If you need help with increasing your water intake or want to take steps to improving your health, contact me for a free consultation. To learn more about the detoxification of your home from environmental toxins read my blog.



Bridget Kilpatrick