My Top Tips for Staying Healthy
By Bridget Kilpatrick
As a mom, I’m always looking for ways to boost my family’s immune system and prevent illness. Here are some of my top tips for staying healthy and preventing the common cold and flu.
Eat the Rainbow
First, eat a healthy colorful diet with nutrient-dense foods. When eating the rainbow you eat more vegetables and your diet is naturally rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. In addition to color, limit white foods such as refined sugar, starchy carbohydrates, and dairy. Often more white foods equal more inflammation, which leads to a weakened immune system.
Move your Body
Next, stay active. People who exercise regularly have fewer incidences of the common flu. Move your body 30 minutes a day. Not only will it help you stay healthy, but it also helps reduce stress and increase positivity.
Positive Thinking: Attention Creates Power
Think positive thoughts! I know this may sound crazy, positive thinking is critical to reaming healthy. You want to always activate your happy cells and allow those sick, fearful, angered cells from becoming inflamed. When we are positive, we are happier, less stressed, and ultimately healthier. Give attention to the positive aspects of your life, not negative events or feelings.
Find Time for Rest
Listen to your body. When you are tired, rest. You can often beat illness if your body is getting enough sleep. We tend to get sick when we are running on empty and burning the candle at both ends. Sleep deprivation weakens your immunity. Ideally, children should get 10 hours and adults 8 hours. But, I know this isn’t always realistic. Try for 7! Rest heals your body.
Add Supplements and Increase Your Water Intake
Lastly, increase your supplements and drink plenty of water during the cold and flu season to boost immunity. We are all Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D supports your immune system (Vitamin D with K creates better absorption) and can help fight off illnesses. Add a shot of Elderberry Syrup to your daily routine (1 tsp for children and 1 TBSP for adults). Elderberry Syrup helps prevent the cold and flu. If you fall ill, it helps speed up the recovery process and reduce the severity.
Tips to Shorten the Duration of the Cold or Flu
If you find yourself starting to have signs of the cold or flu make sure to continue to follow all of the above-mentioned prevention tips. But, also increase your supplements and Elderberry Syrup. Grab my Instant Pot Elderberry Recipe here!
For supplements, I add in Echinacea, Vitamin A, extra Vitamin C, and Zinc. I also take Wellness Formula and some homeopathic remedies such as Oscillococcinum. Essential oils are always helpful too. Lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil (melaleuca) and peppermint are some of my favorites.
For additional prevention and wellness tips listen to my podcast on Well and Worthy Life with Deanna or consider health coaching to help you stay healthy, happy and whole this cold and flu season. Most importantly, don’t forget to breathe! Be well!